“As a part of their can you buy Lyrica at walmart , Free The Bid-pledged brand HP and agency Edelman teamed up with director Annie Saunders at HELO, creating a one-of-a-kind social experiment to showcase the true diversity of the American family.

Participants initially revealed their ideas of what the “all-American family” looks like. Then, with Annie providing instructions, the participants were asked to organized a room full of people in groups that, in their minds, would best exemplify these ideas of the quintessential American family.
The twist? All of the people present were actually part of real families, representative of a full spectrum of diverse family structures & dynamics. The project served to further HP’s deep commitment to diversity on and off screen.
We spoke to Annie about how her previous immersive theatre experience prepared her to handle the unique challenges of this shoot, working hard to “carefully curate the vibe” on set, and how she’s managed to create a singular career path by embracing all of life’s weird detours.
“This campaign spoke to me on a number of levels: it was creating a life experience for real people in real time, working with non-performers, and addressing sensitive social and personal issues in a structured space and in front of a camera. All of these aspects interested me and spoke to my experience as a director and creator of experiential live art.”

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